Adult ADHD treatment/Therapy/CBT/ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/Virtual Therapy New York/ Chicago Square Gears Counseling

Rachel Gerson

Someone once told me that an ADHD brain operates with square gears while a neurotypical brain operates with conventional, round ones. This analogy captures a well-known truth that ADHD life is plagued with stalled or inconsistent performance across multiple domains. The resulting in shame, anxiety, and hopelessness can lead to further poor performance and psychological distress. The good news is that with treatment, irregular ADHD gears can work as smoothly and gracefully as round gears. If your square gears have you lurching about, you've come to the right place.

Rachel Gerson

Rachel enjoys solving problems; she likes puzzles and assembling Ikea furniture, but mostly she likes working with her clients because she finds them endlessly interesting and challenging.  Rachel received her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Washington University in St. Louis and her master’s degree in clinical psychology from the University of Illinois at Chicago.

 She is a licensed psychotherapist (LMHC, LCPC) in New York and Illinois, specializing in CBT for adults with ADHD. In her spare time, Rachel enjoys playing with her family of 5, traveling, and eating peanut butter (any kind of nut butter, actually).    

Square Gears Counseling Female Therapist in her 40s/ Adult ADHD treatment/Therapy/CBT/ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/Virtual Therapy New York/ Chicago /Illinois

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initial session


90 Minutes
Individual session+


45-50 Minutes
Two 15 mins check-ins/week
Individual session


45-50 Minutes
Basic plan

$10 / Month

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$14 / Month

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Frequently asked questions

Why are you different from a coach?  And why will treatment be different this time?

An ADHD coach is great if you have “uncomplicated ADHD” or you lack the “how to” of organizing and time management, but most ADHD adults already know what they should be doing, they just struggle to execute in the moment.   For example, you might say, “I know I should keep a todo list, use a calendar, read and return emails, and exercise, but I can’t make myself do it.  I’m always late, I forget things, and I miss important details because I can’t read long emails.”  The frustration, guilt, and anxiety that accompanies the realities of living a life with ADHD can lead to a debilitating cycle of self-loathing, inefficiency, and interpersonal strife.  

ADHD coaches are not trained or licensed to treat these symptoms/diagnoses that almost always follow suit.  The key to treating adult ADHD is not just treating the inattentive or impulsive symptoms, but treating entire person and all of his or her unique challenges.  Researchers have identified a specific type of therapy called cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) as being a comprehensive and effective treatment for ADHD as it addresses the how to, when, and why.  I have specialized in CBT and other empirically supported treatments for over 10 years.

What are your thoughts on medication?

Sometimes 2 is better than one…
Medication for any psychological condition can be an important component of managing symptoms.  I can help with the decision-making process regarding the pros and cons of beginning, continuing, or discontinuing medication, but I do not prescribe.  I work with many excellent psychiatrists and I am happy to make referrals.

I don’t have an ADHD diagnosis, can I still work with you?

Absolutely.  It's important to remember that we all procrastinate from time to time.  But, if you’re tired going to bed frustrated with yourself for not getting the one thing done that you needed to get done today, it’s time to call for back-up.

I have lots of diagnoses, can I still work with you?

I can’t treat your diabetes, but with a few exceptions, I have experience and feel comfortable treating most psychological conditions.  Set up a 15-minute get-to-know-ya session so we can determine if we make a good fit.

I don’t live in New York or Illinois, can we still work together?

The laws regarding licensure and treatment across state lines are rapidly changing.  Send me an email and we can explore our options together.

Have another question?
Square Gears Counseling Adult ADHD treatment/Therapy/CBT/ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/Virtual Therapy New York/ Chicago

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There's a better way to do this.

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Adult ADHD treatment/Therapy/CBT/ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/Virtual Therapy New York/ ChicagoAdult ADHD treatment/Therapy/CBT/ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/Virtual Therapy New York/ Chicago